Informed by diverse patient and public perspectives

The work of UBC Health would not be possible without the involvement of patients and community members. To build an inclusive and equitable approach to health education and research, underpinned by a culture of collaboration, UBC Health is increasingly informed by diverse public and patient perspectives.

In addition to contributing to planning and advisory committees, such as the Patient and Community Advisory Committee and the UBC Health Council, public and community members dedicate their time to enhancing many of the interprofessional learning experiences delivered through UBC Health.

In 2021/22, people with lived and living experiences shared their stories during many of the substance use workshops delivered through the UBC Health-BC Centre on Substance Use partnership. Patients and community members enriched the learning of students participating in the Integrated Curriculum by acting as co-facilitators for the collaborative decision-making workshop. Indigenous community members continue to act as co-facilitators for the UBC 23 24 Indigenous Cultural Safety sessions that are an integral component of the Integrated Curriculum, showing students what allyship means.

Patient and Community Partnership for Education (PCPE), a unit within UBC Health, continues to act as a resource for students, faculty, and programs. Over the past year, PCPE has developed new resources and maintained programs that enable students to learn from the diverse perspectives and experiences of patients and communities, including the Living Library video collection, Patient and Community Voices workshop series, and Interprofessional Health Mentors program.

Strategic Objectives

This work advances the following UBC Health strategic objectives:

  • Public and patient engagement: Expand engagement to advance diverse community priorities, enhance learner experiences, and align research activities
  • Education innovation: Renew classroom-based and develop practice-based curricula, reinforced by scholarship in health education

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  • Collaborative Health Education
  • Health Systems
  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • Partnerships