Catalyzing interdisciplinary research to create change
The Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards enable health...
In 2021/22, UBC Health continued to navigate the complexity of delivering an interactive interprofessional program online within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges with providing this type of program virtually, the pandemic also presented some unique opportunities that will inform future iterations of the Integrated Curriculum.
The program’s online delivery made it possible for patients and community members to facilitate one of the workshops, bringing lived experiences that engaged students throughout team discussions. The online delivery also enabled the interprofessional participation of students at distributed sites across BC. As health professional programs are increasingly training students in rural and underserved communities to improve access and health equity, UBC Health is committed to ensuring students at all sites can experience interprofessional learning opportunities.
With a commitment to inclusive excellence, UBC Health will begin a curriculum renewal process in 2022/23 that will enhance the learning, scalability, and sustainability of the Integrated Curriculum.
The Integrated Curriculum advances the following UBC Health strategic objectives: