Funding Opportunities

The following are funding opportunities that could support REACH initiatives.

If your unit or organization has a funding opportunity that you'd like to list on this page, please email

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  • UBC Indigenous Strategic Initiatives: Stream 2 Transformative Projects – funds initiatives that have the potential for systemic impact and are sustainable; projects should aim to have an impact on a level that changes policies, structures or systems at UBC, or in individual faculties, departments, or units
  • Advancing Community Engaged Learning Fund – funds faculty, academic administrators, and staff to develop, innovate, evaluate, and improve approaches, resources, and systems that enable community engaged learning courses, programs, and initiatives to grow and sustain at UBC
Faculty/Staff, Health Professionals, and Students
  • Rural Health Services Research Network of BC – offers funding to students, health professionals, and researchers in need of funding for research/projects related to rural health services. Awards range from funding developing research teams to covering travel and accommodation costs to participate in rural health related events
  • Public Humanities Seed Grant – provides support for creative, collaborative, and experimental public humanities projects imagined broadly. The purpose of this program is to seed public-facing humanities projects by helping to remove initial barriers, allow for experimentation, and foster collaboration 
  • REAP Undergraduate Teaching Stipend – compensates rural physicians for their time spent teaching undergraduate medical students
  • Rural Continuing Medical Education (Individual and Community Funds Programs) - provides funding to BC’s rural physicians to continue their medical training 
  • Rural Education Action Plan (REAP) – funding for undergraduate medical students with rural practice experience, under the following programs:

    - Year 3 Undergraduate Rural Participation Program
    - Year 4 Undergraduate Rural Elective Program
    - Sponsored Events and Rural Conferences
    - British Columbia Rural Interest Award

  • Northern Pathways to Medicine Bursary – funding to students at the University of Northern British Columbia with the intention to apply for a career in healthcare
  • Nurses Education Bursary – funding to qualified nursing applicants who demonstrate the greatest financial need
  • British Columbia Loan Forgiveness Program – recent graduates in select in-demand occupations can have their BC student loans forgiven by agreeing to work at publicly-funded facilities in underserved communities in BC or working with children in occupations where there is an identified shortage in BC
  • Canada Student Loan Forgiveness for Family Doctors and Nurses – Canada student loan forgiveness to eligible family doctors, residents in family medicine, nurse practitioners, and nurses who work in underserved rural or remote communities that lack the primary health care they need 
  • Mitacs – funding to enables students to undertake a collaborative internship with businesses or eligible not-for-profit organizations, apply their technical expertise to business challenges in order to support an organization's innovation activities
  • Community Projects Grants – funding for student-led projects who partner with BC-based community organizations to address community needs and priorities 
  • UBC Indigenous Strategic Initiatives: Stream 3 Student-led Projects – funding for student-led initiatives that address any of the UBC Indigenous Strategic Plan Actions and have impact at any level, including unit, faculty, department, institution, or other 
Community Organizations
  • Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund – provides successful recipients at eligible community organizations in British Columbia the funds to build partnerships and pursue shared projects with UBC; CUES supports the partners behind collaborative research, teaching, and learning projects that benefit communities across the province
  • Partnership Recognition Fund – designed to help fill small resource gaps and acknowledge the work of community groups that partner with UBC; funding program welcomes applications for projects that advance equity and justice through reciprocal community engagement